
As one of the world’s fastest growing economies and a country undergoing through major privatization phase, the investment opportunities in Ethiopia are boundless. In a country with an untapped market like Ethiopia, finding the right sector, the right partner or the right time for investment can be somehow overwhelming. With Local Knowledge, well-built connection and International experience, East Africa Partners is here to help Investors and Local Companies to find their right partners. Our Clients are based in a range of countries such as German, Switzerland and Belgium and with different business focus areas which makes us the best company to find a customized/tailored solution to all your business needs.


We offer both local and international clients the opportunity to explore the Ethiopian Trade market by offering sell side and buy side consultancy services. Our services do not stop at closing a deal but continues throughout implementation and more. We keep a long term relationships and partnerships with our clients providing them a solid, reliable and easily accessible services to all their business needs.

Business Consultation

East Africa Partners strives to boost the Ethiopian market through strengthening local companies as one of the main objectives of our company is to help Ethiopian businesses grow in a faster pace. We offer investment advisory, finance sourcing consultancy, market research, implementation of investments or projects and the like for our local as well as international clients.

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Find us at the office

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Bole, MEDCO Building
2 nd floor

Contact Us

Telephone/ Fax: +49 (0) 22129803217
Mobile: +49 (0) 1737603865

Mobile: +251912655505

Skype: estifanos.samuel